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Q: What reason could there be for a negative result when the antigen is actually present?
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Sperm is not antigen why?

Sperm are not recognized as foreign invaders by the immune system because they carry self-proteins that are recognized as part of the body. This prevents an immune response from targeting and attacking sperm cells as it would with foreign antigens.

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That the utilization of reason might actually be a negative thing

What is the main reason to do the immunodiffusion testing?

the main reason to do immunodiffusion test is to quantify antigen or antibody

Why is negative four to the fourth power negative?

Because A Negative x A pOsItIVE = nEgaTiVE * * * * * (-4)4 = 256. It is positive, not negative. The most likely reason for getting a negative result is that no brackets were used and so what was calculated was actually -44

What is the difference between o positive and o negative blood?

The terms "positive" or "negative" refer to either the presence or absence of the RhD (Rhesus D) antigen. Individuals either have, or do not have, the Rhesus factor (or Rhesus D antigen) on the surface of their red blood cells. This is usually indicated by 'RhD positive' (does have the RhD antigen) or 'RhD negative' (does not have the antigen).

What is c antigen?

The c antigen is a protein found on the surface of red blood cells. It is part of the CcEe blood group system and plays a role in determining an individual's blood type. The presence or absence of the c antigen can affect compatibility for blood transfusions.

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For- used to present a reason And- used to join or add words Nor- used to present a non-contrasting negative idea But- used to show conflicting ideas Or- used to introduce an alternative Yet- used to present a contrast So- used to show result

Tell me the reason why you wanted to leave your present employer?

When you are asked a question as to why you wanted to leave your present employer, it is important not to speak badly about your employer. Discuss reasons such as wanting to be challenged, or looking for a career change. Stay positive and avoid negative talk.

What is the reason for negative relationship between bond price and yield?

The Present Value (value now) of a fixed cashflow, paid in the future is calculated using the following formula; Present Value = Cashflow/(1+ yield) As the yield rises, the PV falls.

Could nervousness cause a false negative pregnancy test?

No, the test will pick up the hCG it is looking for, if it is present, even if you are nervous ...most people are when they do a test for one reason or another.

Can a permutation be made with negative numbers?

No reason why not.

Why were negative numbers written in black?

Because the colour of a "negative wire casing" is black, hence the reason why negative numbers were written in this colour :)