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Q: What race grows the most facial hair?
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What race grows the least facial hair?

Definitely asians. How often do you see asians with facial hair? Haha.

Do black people hair grow slower than others?

No, Our different race hair grows faster than us as black people

Which race is most likely to have head hair with continuous medulle?

Mongoloid Race

Is race a pronoun or a determiner?

Race is neither a pronoun nor a determiner. It is a noun that refers to a categorization of human beings based on physical characteristics such as skin color, facial features, and hair texture.

Is French a race?

No, French is not a race. It is a nationality and language primarily associated with the country of France. Race refers to a social construct that categorizes people based on physical characteristics such as skin color, facial features, and hair texture.

Is somalian a race?

I wouldn't call them the n word (sorry no offense to a particular black people) but somalis usually have straight long nose and soft hair. most of them also have soft hair that grows quick, that's just the majority of them not all of them. let me describe my self first:- well am sort of light skin, i wouldn't say light light skin, am quite in the middle. my hair grows fast (mashallah). my hair is in between its soft and hard. oh and I nearly forgot that somalis most of them have big foreheads and am part of it lol. so that's how you know somali race.

How did you guess at each person race?

Usually, if I am interested in their race, I examine their facial features.

Which race is most likely to have head hair with continuous medullae?


Is there is any medicine for facial hair growth?

There are no accepted or approved treatments or supplements that increase the rate of facial hair growth. However, there are a few supplements been shown to help with the health of the hair, which may help it to grow better. The main natural products that help with hair health are Biotin, Silica, MSM, and L-Cysteine, so you could try any or all of them. Facial hair for men is a secondary sexual characteristic mainly controlled by blood levels of testosterone and estrogen, influenced in large part by genes/race. Rogaine and Propecia do not increase the rate of hair growth and have only been shown to be effective in restoration of hair growth in male pattern baldness.

What determines a persons race?

Race is typically determined by a combination of physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, and facial features. However, race is a social construct that can also be influenced by cultural, historical, and geographical factors. It is important to recognize that race is not a biological category but rather a social and political concept.

How do you increase the growth of your mustache?

== == It really isn't up to YOU, as it is predetermined by your race and family traits. Orientals and American Indians don't usually have very much facial hair at all, while dark skinned Caucasians, such as Italians and Portuguese will have heavy beards and need to shave frequently. Light skinned whites, such as Norwegians with blond hair will have thinner beards. The facial hair you have will be determined by your family background.

Why black women's hair grow slower than white women?

an African American's hair grows slower because of the strand being so curly. it coils in the hair follicle make the hair harder to come out. a cacausain woman's hair doesnt have the same texture and coil as of an African American's. if an African American would like their hair to grow a lil bit faster. you should get braid, corn rows to pull the hair out of that coil.