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Well, Giamodelo01 is a bit wrong about the colorful eyes part, because eye color and hair color are genetic, not racial. So, you could be white and have dark eyes and dark hair. You can also be white and have dark skin. It's all about the facial features and bone or skull structure.

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Q: What race are Puerto Ricans?
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Puerto ricans are no dirtier than any other race. Saying that puerto ricans are dirty is a stereotype. No one group of people are dirty. There can be dirty people of all races and ethnicities.

Why are there really dark Puerto Ricans?

Because some Puerto Ricans have a strong African blood line. They are Afro-Puerto Ricans.

Are puerto ricans of the Mexican race?

Mexican is not a race. It's a nationality. Puerto Ricans, like Mexicans, are members of the group called "Hispanics", however, even that is not, technically, a "Race", but an "Ethnicity". The officially recognized "Races" are White, Black, Asian, Pacific Islander, and American Indian. No, they are primarily Taíno. Taino, is not a race either.

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Puerto Ricans for Puerto Rico Party was created in 2003.

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What are people from Puerto Rico called?

You may call them 'Puerto Ricans' or 'Americans'.

Are fair skinned Puerto Ricans considered white?

NO... Ruerto Ricans are labeld as Hispanic , Latin non white , Spanish non white, and they would be all worng Puerto Ricans are Caribbean ... Comment by asharp1999: I think race is just stupid and pointless. We are all people.