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Symptoms: frequency, urgency, dysuria, sense of incomplete emptying.

consider complicating factors that may affect treatment choice: nausea, vomiting, fever, flank pain, vaginal discharge, vulvar pain/itching, swollen glands, recent change in sex partner, history of kidney or bladder disease in patient or family, history of problems affecting immunity, current pregnancy. Medication Allergies; recent antibiotic use. Recent changes in sexual activity (e.g. "honeymoon cystitis"). Recent changes in products used in vaginal area such as condoms, lubricant, soap. Use of diaphragm for Birth Control method. If hematuria, then assess smoking history. Current medications. Number of UTIs in the last year. Any previous urology workup.

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Q: What questions do you ask patient who have uti?
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When the patient comes into a pharmacy to pick up a prescription the pharm tech must?

The tech must ask if the patient has any questions for the pharmacist.

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What shall be done if a patient has persistent hematuria but crea and bun levels are normal and are no pus present in the urine and the patient is also asymptomatic?

He will be treated with antibiotics to treat UTI.

Can uti test's test if your pregnant?

UTI tests are designed to test for infection. If you want to know if you are pregnant, buy a pregnancy test or ask a doctor to test you.