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The stomach wall is protected by mucus. The mucus regenerates about every 2 weeks or so.

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Q: What protect the stomach wall from acid?
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Can stomach acid dissolve organs?

stomach acid is HCL (hydrochloric acid) and can dissolve organic matter (organs).The acid is required to synthesise fats .However the linings of the wall secrete a mucus to protect the stomach wall

What is the change to the stomach after you get stomach ulcers?

your stomach has a coating of mucus on the inside to protect it from the acid. ulcers occur when the mucus is not produced fast enough and the acid begins burning the stomach wall

Why does the stomach have a thick muscle wall?

The function of the stomach wall is to protect your stomach from eating itself. It has a coating of mucus on the inside that renews itself every three days and stops the hydrochloric acid in your stomach from dissolving itself.

What protect from the wall of the stomach from hydrochloric acids?

The stomach wall is protected from hydrochloric acid damage by a layer of mucus that forms a protective barrier. This mucus layer prevents the acid from coming into direct contact with the cells of the stomach lining, preventing injury and ulcers. Additionally, the stomach cells secrete bicarbonate ions that help neutralize the acid.

What is it called when you have a hole in the stomach wall?

A hole in the stomach wall is known commonly as an ulcer. Ulcers are caused by an overabundance of hydrochloric acid within the stomach. The acid weakens the stomach lining and penetrates the stomach wall, causing ulcers.

What does the stomach wall produce?

hydrocloric acid

When the wall of the stomach cannot protect the organ from tbe effects of digestion is te result of what?

When the wall of the stomach cannot protect the organs from digestion, it is the result of a gastric ulcer.

Why is stomach wall thick and muscular?

because our stomach contains acid and it churns food.

What does mucus in gastric juice do?

It protects the stomach wall from acid

How can human stomachs withstand stomach acid?

the inside of the stomach constantly secretes mucus, which protects the stomach wall.

How does the stomach protect the body?

The stomach protects the body by producing stomach acid, which helps to kill ingested bacteria and other harmful pathogens. It also contains a thick layer of mucus that lines the stomach walls and acts as a protective barrier against the acidic environment. Additionally, the stomach's contractions help to physically break down and mix food with digestive enzymes, aiding in the digestion process.

Can lemon acid burn a hole in your stomach?

No, it can't. This is because lemon acid is scientifically named 'citric acid' and stomach acid is likewise named 'hydrochloric acid'. Your stomach lining protects your stomach wall from the corrosive effects of hydrochloric acid, so citric acid will have no effect as it is weaker. However, it may give you heartburn!