tobacco that is sniffed is called snuff. tobacco that is chewed is called chew. any form of tobacco can be held...
Chewing tobacco dont do it it will rot your teeth out and give you cancer
It was hearing things that could easily be sniffed out
Powdered snuff, which was a type of tobacco that you could inhale through your nose. The snuff sniffed was "Toque Peanut butter". It was thought appropriate for the character.
it's really strange isn;t it!? ive never laughed so hard in my life, i sniffed pepper for a while and then blew my nose. exciting times! good luck!
Nitrogen gas
with its lungs, and then breaths through there nose!
You can breath through your nose or mouth.
They breathe through their nose.
When you have a cold, the congestion in your nose can affect your sense of taste. This happens because flavors are perceived through both taste on the tongue and smell through the nose. As a result, when your nose is blocked, it impacts your ability to fully taste food. It's a common symptom of a cold and typically improves as you recover.
Yes. my daughter puked through her nose this morning!