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The first Korotkoff sound is the sound produced by the turbulence of the AV (atrioventricular valves) closing specifically the tricuspid and mitral valves. The second Korotkoff sound is produced by the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves. You can hear a splitting of the second heart sound in a highly efficient heart.

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Q: What produces the systolic korotkoff sound?
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Systolic is measured at which korotkoff?

The systolic pressure is measured at the first Karotkoff sound (stage I), it is the first tapping noise that you hear with a stethoscope when taking a manual blood pressure.

When are the sounds of korotkoff heard?

The sounds of Korotkoff are heard when taking blood pressure measurements using a sphygmomanometer. The first sound is heard when measuring systolic pressure as the cuff pressure falls below the pressure in the brachial artery, and the last sound is heard when measuring diastolic pressure as the cuff pressure continues to decrease.

What is the medical term for when sounds stop and restart while taking BP?

The first Korotkoff sound is when you first hear the pulse, and the fifth Korotkoff sound is when you no longer hear the post. Sometimes, there will also be an "auscultory gap," when you have a period with no sounds with korotkoff sounds heard before and after the gap.

What is korotkoff sounds?

Korotkoff sounds are the sounds heard through a stethoscope during the measurement of blood pressure. They are created by the turbulent flow of blood through the constricted artery when the cuff is gradually deflated. These sounds are used to determine systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.

What causes the systolic sound?

the systolic sound is caused by ventricular contraction

When are korotkoff sounds evaluted?

Korotkoff sounds are evaluated during the process of taking blood pressure measurements using a sphygmomanometer. The sounds are heard as the cuff pressure is gradually reduced, representing the point at which blood flow resumes in the artery during both systolic and diastolic phases.

What causes the sound of korotkoff?

The sound of Korotkoff is caused by turbulent blood flow in the brachial artery as blood pressure is being measured. The sounds correspond to different phases of blood flow as the pressure in the cuff is gradually released.

What causes disappearance of systolic sound?

There will be no systolic sound if blood is flowing freely. This occurs when there is no measurable constriction of an artery.

When taking blood pressure the first tapping sound heard is recorded is the first sound systolic or diastolic?


How do you Explain the underlying cause of the Korotkoff Sounds that you detected with the Cardio Microphone as the cuff pressure was decreased?

When the blood pressure cuff is inflated, the blood flow is stopped. Slowly the cuff is decreased. When the technician starts to hear the blood flow, these are called Korotkoff Sounds. This pressure point defines the systolic pressure.

What sound get between systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

If you are manually taking a blood pressure measurement using a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope, the sounds you hear between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure are called Korotkoff sounds, and they are muffled "whooshing" sounds heard with each heart beat and are thought to be caused by turbulent blood flow through the blood vessel caused by partial occlusion by the cuffed sphygmomanometer.

What are Korot-koff sounds and how they are produced?

Korotkoff sounds are the sounds heard when measuring blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer. They are produced by the turbulence of blood flow in the brachial artery when the cuff pressure is gradually decreased below the systolic pressure. These sounds correspond to the systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.