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It depends on what radioactive substance your dealing with.

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Q: What precaution should nurse take when nursing a patient that is having radioisotope?
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Nursing diagnosis and nursing management for hashimoto's thyroiditis?

You really should be addressing what the MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM your patient with Hashimoto's is having related to the thyroiditis; is this a hypothetical patient or a real patient you have in clinical? If it's a real patient, you're going to need the history to back it up, so randomly pulling something off the internet is going to leave you hanging.Nursing diagnoses are not about the medical dx, they are about the patient's dx, if you follow. You're not going to get a good nursing diagnosis from a forum without a posting a patient history. I know nursing diagnoses are difficult, but YOU have to think: WHY are they in the hospital (the symptoms, not the medical dx)? What are the NURSES managing?Hashimoto's thyroiditis is not usually a reason for hospitalization, it must be causing something else for someone to be in the hospital, for example severe bradycardia; this would give you Decreased Cardiac Output r/t reduced stroke volume.Good luck to you!

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contact and droplet precaution and includes, having a private room where he/she is the only patient and wont spread the bacteria/virus. gowns, mask, gloves, proper handwashing...

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Why is important in order for a radioisotope to provide accurate dating results?

It is important for a radioisotope to have a known rate of decay in order to provide accurate dating results. This allows scientists to calculate the age of a material based on the amount of remaining radioisotope present. Additionally, having a stable and predictable decay process is crucial for determining the timing of past events with precision.

Does someone with a BS in nursing earn more than an AS in nursing?

Typically not, both are registered nurses so they have the same authority and accountability when it comes to patient care. However some hospitals have implemented that they won't hire nurses with only an associates degree, so you'd have to look to see if that applies to your area. Having a bachelors in nursing allows you to move on and get a Master's degree though if you so choose.