

Best Answer

To kept your Excretory System healthy youy sould eat lots of fiber and exsercis alot .you should also drink a glass of milk a should also lose 35 pondes of bodey phat.

1. Stay in clean surroundings

2. Exercise regularly

3. Get adequate rest

4. Maintain a balanced diet. The body need fibers found in cereals, fruits, and leafy vegetables to facilitate bowel movement

5. Have a regular medical check up so that you know if your excretory organs are okay.

(: Hope it helped you!

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15y ago
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12y ago

There isn't such. however there are organs that eliminate wastes such as.

renal, lungs, liver, and sweat glands. However these organ are part of systems. urinary, respiratory, digestive, and endocrine system. Sweat glands do their own things however the best way to take care of these guys is through diet and hydration and exercise and stop smoking. The liver is our powerhouse okay? Avoid taking in any toxins. such as antibiotics, NSAIDS, street drugs. The liver is our filter.

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10y ago

The four main organs involved in the excretory system help remove waste from the body and keep you feeling healthy. Exercise promotes sweating which involves the largest organ of your body the skin. The lungs, liver and kidneys take care of the internal waste products.

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12y ago

to prevent diseases of the excretory system, one must always drink water, have a regular exercise, eat a healthy and balanced diet, and avoid toxins. the excretory system is important so we have to take very good care of it.

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9y ago

The urinary system is a self regulating system. This is as long as it has the resources it needs to perform optimally. Drinking plenty of water, at least 6 to 8 8-ounce glasses per day, along with alkaline dietary choices, will help keep the system in top shape.

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13y ago

By urinating regularly.

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12y ago

te la cojes

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Q: What practices will help you keep these excretory organs healthy?
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What should you do with the other excretory organs to make them function well?

It is important keep excretory organs in good condition so that they they function well. Kidneys are part of that system. If kidneys fail, it can lead to other organs failing as well. Drinking water, eating well, and limiting alcohol use will help keep the system working well.

How does the excretory system help the body?

The excretory system removes waste products and toxins from the body, maintaining a balance of fluids and electrolytes. It helps regulate blood pressure, pH levels, and osmolarity to keep the body healthy and functioning properly.

What system eliminates excess body materials?

The excretory system eliminates excess body materials, such as waste products and toxins, through organs like the kidneys, liver, lungs, and skin. These organs help maintain the body's internal balance by removing unwanted substances and maintaining proper levels of essential nutrients.

How does vitamins help the body?

A person's body needs vitamins to survive. The organs and different parts of the body needs vitamins to stay healthy and remain healthy.

Do owls have excretory organs?

Yes, owls have excretory organs that help them remove waste from their bodies. They have kidneys that filter waste from their blood and produce urine. Owls excrete uric acid as their main nitrogenous waste product, which is converted into a white semi-solid substance known as uric acid paste.

What is the importance of variety and balance in eating patterns?

because not only will it help you maintain a healthy weight/bmi, but it will help to keep all your muscles and organs healthy which is important for all day to day functions

What is the prevention of excretory?

Prevention of excretory system issues includes maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful substances like excessive alcohol and drugs. Regular medical check-ups and prompt treatment of any underlying conditions can also help prevent excretory system disorders.

What does the urethra do to help the excretory system?

does nothing

How do physical actvities and healthy eating contribute to your health?

These are positive aspects of health. Both activities help your body develop and maintain healthy cells, organs, joints, etc.

What is the main organs in the exrectory system?

Renal Kidneys are part of the excretory system. Which also includes the bladder, ureter, urethra. The skin and lungs are also considered excretory organs.

What are the main functions of the system and the individual organs that make up the excretory system?

The main functions of the excretory system include removing waste and excess materials from the body, maintaining the balance of fluids and electrolytes, and regulating blood pressure. The individual organs that make up the excretory system include the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys filter waste from the blood to produce urine, which is then carried to the bladder by the ureters for storage until it is eliminated from the body through the urethra.

Which organs of human beings never die?

There are no organs in the human body that are immortal or never die. All organs have a limited lifespan and can deteriorate or fail due to various factors such as age, disease, or injury. Regular maintenance through healthy habits and medical check-ups can help prolong the life of organs.