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You would have to regularly sit down on a daily basis to propose the common sense of the human nature - If you sit down and your spine twist's it is a knowledgeable answerer to recommend a de - spine-twisting seat.

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Q: What posture type would benefit most from seated spine twist?
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What are the values of posture?

Good posture supports your spine, so your spine can better support your body. The "core" muscles of your trunk are strengthened with good posture, allowing you to twist, turn, bend, run, jump and walk without needless strain or sprain injuries. Also, you can make your body shape look much better than if you stand and walk correctly. Correct posture is also a real help when it comes to slimming down and staying slim.

Can scoliosis mean the spine has a twist?

yes that is what scoliosis is

What holds up your head and let's you bend and twist?


What holds up your head and lets you bend and twist?


Why do you need a vertebra in the human body?

So that you'r spine can twist and move an allows your body to do the same.

Which muscles do you use to twist or turn your body?

Radial and rotation actions of the body are done by the thoracic and lumbar spine.

What is the best meaning of distort?

Distorted; misshapen., To twist of natural or regular shape; to twist aside physically; as, to distort the limbs, or the body., To force or put out of the true posture or direction; to twist aside mentally or morally., To wrest from the true meaning; to pervert; as, to distort passages of Scripture, or their meaning.

What is the definition of good posture?

There are two main principles for getting good posture. 1. Practice correct posture in everyday activities: standing, sitting, laying, bending and walking. 2. A balanced exercise program that strengthens both antagonist and protagonist muscles. For example, if you do sit-ups to strengthen your stomach muscles you must do equal conditioning of the lower back (antagonist muscles). If you do not do this your body will become out of balance and you will develop poor posture. The fundamentals of good posture are a "straight" back and keeping your center of gravity over the load bearing joints, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. For in depth information refer to "8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back" by Esther Gokhale, L.Ac. and "The Pain-Free Program" by Carey, Anthony M.A., C.S.C.S.. Both are excellent sources that teach how to develop good posture.

Following a car crash you have now been advised that in your lumber spine you have a mild s shaped scoliosos but preserved vertebral alignment what does this mean?

This means that your lumbar spine is mildly curved in an S shape, but the individual vertebrae are still aligned properly. The preserved vertebral alignment suggests that the curvature is not severe enough to cause misalignment of the vertebrae. Treatment options may include physical therapy to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine and improve posture.

Fluorescent bulb lighting fixture has 3 two-bulb sets One set does not light when you turn on the switch yet when you twist either bulb in its socket the pair will light so do I need to replace bulb?

Are we talking about long fluorescent "tubes"?The socket may be bad, or the tube is not seated correctly in it's socket.Some fixtures use a socket that the tubes "twist" into.Twist the tube slightly in either direction until it seems "seated".

What is Dextroconvex curvature of spine?

in the medical world, dextro is a synonym for right. dorsal refers to the parts of the spine that are facing out (the little knobby bumps that run down everyone's back) as opposed to the part of the spine that is facing inwards towards your organs. its just like a dolphin or shark- their dorsal fin is on their back.

What is mild levocurvature through the thoracolumbar region?

Scoliosis refers to an abnormal twisting of the spine. Rather than being in perfect alignment, the vertebrae are sometimes out of alignment relative to the vertebrae above and below them. When the vertebrae of the thoracic spine - the middle section of the spine where the ribs attach - can be seen to progressively twist to the left, the condition is called levoscoliosis.