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Well it is probably nice to know; but in reality there is none. Shame on the health department.

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Q: What possible benefit could come to humankind by learning about untreated syphilis?
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Can you die of syphilis's?

You can die of untreated syphilis. Syphilis is easily treated, so it's not necessary to let it kill you.

What was the medical condition Richard Thomas suffered from in the Law and Order Episode 43?

Untreated syphilis. He didn't know he had it.

Can Chlamydia cause death or heart problems?

Chlamydia does not cause death or heart problems. Untreated syphilis can do so.

What is the disease or alternate names for treponema pallidum?

The disease caused by Treponema pallidum is called syphilis. Other alternate names for syphilis include the "Great Imitator" because it can mimic other conditions and the "French Disease" due to its spread during the European Renaissance.

Why should a person who has symptoms of syphilis seek medical attention?

Because it's an STD....It's like saying "Hey I want cancer forever!" Syphilis, if untreated, can actually have some rather serious consequences. It can impact the heart/cardiovascular system and even progress to neurosyphilis (tertiary syphilis). Also, syphilis is a highly transmittable STD, so anyone with syphilis should get it treated right away so that they're healthy and don't spread it to other people.

What are some possible causes of Van Goghs mental illness?

He had syphilis.

Can HPV spread throughout the body and affect the heart and brain and nerves?

No, HPV doesn't spread throughout the body. Syphilis affects the heart, brain, and nerves if untreated.

What is tabes dorsalis?

Tabes dorsalis is a late manifestation of untreated syphilis and is characterized by a triad of clinical symptoms namely gait unsteadiness, lightning pains and urinary incontinence.

What are some possible diseases or injures that can be inflicted on the brain?

Shingles, meningitis or syphilis.

Why did Manet die?

Manet died of untreated syphilis and rheumatism, which he contracted in his forties. His left foot was amputated because of gangrene, an operation followed eleven days later by his death.

Is it possible to get research samples for syphilis?

Yes, it is possible to order research samples online. Check out Central BioHub biospecimen marketplace for orders, reservation and quotes.

WhichSTDs can cause dementia or psychotic behavior if left untreated?

syphilis its has many stages starting from primary to tertiary at the tertiary stage it may affect the brain an spinal cord and may cause above mention condition.