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Apicomplexan which known as phylum Sporozoan.

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Q: What phylum of Protists causes malaria and toxoplasmosis?
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Protista negatively impact humans by causing diseases such as malaria?

yes. a thing called plasmodium vivax causes malaria, its under the phylum Apicomplexa and kingdom protista.There are many many disease causing protists ( they are mostly all parasites ie, they feed on animals) a few others would be trypanosoma, which cause african sleeping sickness.

Are protists classified in the phylum zoomastigina?

No, protists are not classified in the phylum Zoomastigina. Zoomastigina is an outdated term that was used to describe flagellated protists. Protists are now classified into multiple phyla based on genetic and structural characteristics.

Which phyla of protists is characterized by animals that swim using flagella?

The phylum Zoomastigina is characterized by protists that swim using flagella. These flagellated protists include species such as Trypanosoma and Giardia.

What is the most complex phylum of protists?

Brown Algae

What phylum group of protozoans are often parasites?

The phylum group of protozoans that are often parasites include the Apicomplexa, also known as the Sporozoans. These parasites are known for causing diseases such as malaria, toxoplasmosis, and cryptosporidiosis. They have complex life cycles that involve both sexual and asexual reproduction.

Malaria plasmodium parasite in phylum apicomplexa?


What are the characteristics of phylum Apicomplexa?

Phylum Apicomplexa are parasitic protozoans that have an apical complex used for host cell invasion. They typically have complex life cycles involving sexual and asexual stages. Many members of this phylum cause diseases in animals and humans, such as malaria and toxoplasmosis.

What phylum do belong the protists?

I'm not too sure but I think that The Protist belongs To Cnidarian Phylum. I only think that this is the correct answer choice because I have to do a biology project and I needed this answer also.

Members of what phylum are considered to be the most complex of all protists?

Ciliates, members of the phylum Ciliophora, are considered to be the most complex of all protists. They are characterized by their distinct shape and presence of cilia, which are used for movement and feeding. Ciliates have a more sophisticated cellular structure compared to other protists, with complex organelles and nuclei.

What kind of protists are in phylum zoomastigina?

Phylum Zoomastigina contains flagellated protists, also known as zooflagellates. These protists are typically free-living and can be pathogenic, causing diseases in animals and humans. They have whip-like flagella used for movement and are often found in aquatic environments.

What is phylum sporozca?

There is no phylum "sporozca." It seems to be a typo or a misinterpretation. The correct phylum is Apicomplexa, which consists of parasitic protozoa like Plasmodium (causative agent of malaria) and Toxoplasma.

What type of protist is plasmodium falciparum?

Funguslike protist plasmodium is a mold which can move during certain times in its life cycle while Plasmodium which causes malaria is an infectious parasite grown in the stomach of a mosquito and cultivated in the human liver.