Anthrophobia and anthophobia are the fear of flowers. Too general. Helianthophobia is `fear of the helianthus' - the sunflower.
Yes, floraphobia is a specific phobia characterized by an intense fear of flowers or plants. It can manifest as anxiety, avoidance of situations involving flowers or plants, and panic attacks. Treatment may include therapy, medication, and gradually exposing the individual to their fear.
The irrational fear is called a phobia; the experience or object that triggers a phobia could be called a phobic experience or object.
Yes, the phobia of flowers is real.This phobia is called Anthophobia.
the only phobia of the fear of crickets is crickephobia
Bebuphobia...that is the fear or phobia of blueberries.
To have a phobia is to have a fear.
Mud Phobia is the phobia (fear) of mud. Its called mysophobia, myso meaning mud and phobia meaning fear.
Atychiphobia (kakorrhaphiophobia, fear of failure, fear of failing, failure phobia).
Theophobia- the irrational fear of a god or deity. Remember its only a phobia if its an "irrational" fear, a normal healthy fear is not a phobia.
There is no medical term or phobia name for the fear of immigrants.However a similar phobia called Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners.
We use the term phobophobia to name the fear of fear or of phobias. (The word phobia comes from the Greek for fear.)