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Lyssophobia is the name of the phobia related to the fear of becoming mad

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Q: What phobia is the fear of becoming mad?
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What is the phobia of emos called?

Its actually just called Emo-phobia. And it's the fear of Emo, suicide and/or bad comb-overs. Its also the fear of becoming Emo.

What does 'lyssiophobia' mean?

Lyssiophobia - fear of becoming mad

Is there such thing as a phobia of becoming dependent?

Yes, the fear of being dependent as opposed to independent does exist.This fear is called soteriophobia.

What phobia is the fear of homosexuality?

Homophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of homosexuality or becoming gay; however, the term is used more often to refer to bigotry against gay people.

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Pistanthrophobia. [Piss-tan-throw-foe-bee-uh]

What exaggerated fear of a specific situation?

The irrational fear is called a phobia; the experience or object that triggers a phobia could be called a phobic experience or object.

How do you use the phobia in a sentence?

My friend told me that the fear of spiders was her worst phobia. A phobia is an irrational fear that is not easily cured. A common phobia is the fear of picking up germs and diseases from others.

What phobia is the fear of crickets?

the only phobia of the fear of crickets is crickephobia

What phobia is the fear of blueberries?

Bebuphobia...that is the fear or phobia of blueberries.

What is the definition of phobia?

To have a phobia is to have a fear.

What is mud phobia?

Mud Phobia is the phobia (fear) of mud. Its called mysophobia, myso meaning mud and phobia meaning fear.

What phobia is the fear of failing?

Atychiphobia (kakorrhaphiophobia, fear of failure, fear of failing, failure phobia).