There are many terms that describe fears relating to being sick, or illness. Please note that although some terms may be widely used, they may or may not be true phobias in a medical context, merely aversions for which names have been given by various sources.
Aeronausiphobia* - fear of air sickness, or vomiting on an airplane
Albuminurophobia* - fear of kidney disease
Asthenophobia - fear of fainting or weakness
Carcinophobia - fear of cancer
Emetophobia - fear of vomiting
Epistaxiophobia - fear of nosebleeds
Fibriophobia or Febriphobia - fear of fever
Leprophobia - fear of leprosy
Mysophobia - fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs
Tuberculophobia - fear of tuberculosis
* On Wikipedia list of 'Invented Phobias'
The fear of fears is called phobophobia. It is the fear of getting a phobia.
The fear of fears is called phobophobia. It is the fear of getting a phobia.
There is no official phobia for the fear of getting out of bed. However, the fear of anything related to beds is called clinophobia.
Gymnophobia- fear of nudity Gynephobia - fear of womenGenophobia- fear of sex