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I don't know, but I have asperger's and I struggle pretty hard to turn down a drink. I don't know if asperger's syndrome is the reason for it though.

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Q: What percentage of people who have aspergers become alcoholics?
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Why do young people become alcoholics faster than adults?

They don't become alcoholic faster.

How does a person with Asperger's Syndrome become popular?

A person with Aspergers can become popular by just being themselves. If they're nice, people will come to them for who they are, not what they have.

Is aspergers a mentall illness?

Aspergers is not a mentall illness it is not a diesease you can,t catch aspergers by being around someone with aspergers. People with aspergers are born with it. Although aspergers affects the way people think and veiw the world it is not a diesese. Recent aspergers studies have shown that in brains of people with aspergers there is a difference in the way the brain is wired and set up. and there have also been studies of aspergers brain waves and it showed the brain waves of people with aspergers differed from nerotypical brain waves. Just because people with aspergers think differently does not make them mentally ill there is a huge difference between the two.

Can some people who are born with alcoholism become an alcoholic from their first drink?

There is no scientific that some people are "born alcoholics."

What percentage of people that start drinking before the age of fourteen become alcoholics?

Research suggests that individuals who begin drinking before age 14 are at a significantly higher risk of developing alcohol use disorder later in life compared to those who begin drinking at 21. However, the exact percentage of people who become alcoholics after starting to drink before age 14 can vary depending on individual factors and circumstances.

How come people don't want to be friends with people who have aspergers?

People with aspergers dont have many friends because they are shy but some people will play with aspies and make friends with them. I have aspergers but have a good amount of friends. People with aspergers are aslo morelikely to be bullied so they might get a reputation as being weak

How do you become an expert on aspergers?

The best way to become an expert on the syndrome would be to read and research as much as you can about the topic. It would also benefit you to try and find people with AS and get their point of view as well. Also, talking to pychologists and pyschiatrists are good ways to get info on aspergers.

How many alcoholics are there in England?

Actual statistics are hard to come by, because many alcoholics do not cooperate with surveys. It is generally accepted in the treatment field that potential alcoholics (people who are likely to become alcoholics if they drink excessively) make up between 7 and 10% of the population in Western countries. Please note the word "if." A person who never drinks alcohol will not become an alcoholic, regardless of potential.

Do good looking people have aspergers?

They can

Does gayness happen a lot with people with disabilitys and or disorders like aspergers?

The percentage of gay disabled people and people with Asperger's is the same as the general population. They are no more likely to be gay than anyone else.

What percentage of people have aspergers?

At the moment it's quite difficult to say as scientist yet don't know all about aspergers and autism. Also, many Experts, Scientists, Psychologists Psychiatrists etc. will believe that there are more persons with aspergers than diagnosed with it, so this also would effect the percentages.

What percentage of drinkers become alcoholics?

I would say about 1 out of 7 people who drink alcohol become alcoholics. About five percent of drinkers become alcoholic. However, the proportion differs by ethnicity. For example, few Jews become alcoholic whereas a substantial proportion of Irish do so. This reflects culture and beliefs rather than genetics. For example, Orthodox Jews have a lower rate than do Reform Jews. And as Irish become assimilated into U.S. society, their rate tends to drop.