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Q: What percentage of alcohol is eliminated through blood sweat urine?
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Alcohol can be eliminated from the blood stream by?

Alcohol is primarily eliminated from the blood stream through the liver, where it is metabolized into acetaldehyde and then further broken down into acetic acid. Approximately 90% of alcohol is eliminated through the liver, with the remainder being eliminated through breath, urine, and sweat. Time is the most effective way for alcohol to be completely eliminated from the body.

Does throwing up affect blood alcohol content?

Throwing up will not reduce your current blood alcohol percentage, but if there is unabsorbed alcohol in your stomach, throwing up can prevent your blood alcohol percentage from increasing through additional absorption. Metabolism and time is the only way to reduce your blood alcohol percentage.

Blood alcohol concentration means the parts of alcohol in the blood in relation to the parts of oxygen in the blood?

No. It is the level or percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream.

What is the percentage of alcohol in a person's blood know as?

Blood alcohol concentration (sometimes called blood alcohol content) or BAL is a measure of the proportion of alcohol in a person's blood.

What is the percentage of alcohol called in your blood?

The percentage is called blood alcohol level. This level should not exceed a certain limit, or you loose consciousness. This level may change from person to person.

Percentage of alcohol in your blood is called what?

The percentage is called blood alcohol level. This level should not exceed a certain limit, or you loose consciousness. This level may change from person to person.

What is the AMA standard on how much alcohol to drink?

0.08 is the legal limit for blood-alcohol percentage.

Approximately the percentage of alcohol that is consumed by a person is absorbed directly into the blood through the stomach?

The answer is a 20% (r!++3r

Why does the brain absorb such a large percentage of the alcohol consumed?

The brain absorbs a large percentage of alcohol because alcohol molecules are small and can easily pass through the blood-brain barrier, which controls what substances enter the brain. This high absorption rate is also due to the brain's high blood flow and rich network of blood vessels. Additionally, alcohol interacts with receptors in the brain that can alter brain function.

What are the New York state DUI laws?

The 'Driving Under Influence" laws in New York state are as follows. When under the age of 21, one can have a blood-alcohol percentage of 0.02%. When over the age of 21, the blood-alcohol percentage can be up to 0.08%. For comercial drivers, the blood-alcohol percentage can not exceed 0.04%.

What happens to materials not absorbed into your blood?

Materials not absorbed into the blood are eventually eliminated from the body through the digestive system as waste. These waste materials are either excreted through urine or feces.

What is a BAC measurement?

BAC stands for Blood Alcohol Concentration. It is a measurement of the amount of alcohol in a person's blood, typically expressed as a percentage. It is used to determine the level of intoxication or impairment due to alcohol consumption.