10 - 15%
Lung, throat, and mouth cancers, scarring of the lung, stains on teeth, liver problems, and many more.
there is many types of lung cancers due to the fact of smokers dont care about their health and that no one realy looks at their symptoms.
Most likely some sort of mouth cancer. Buy, I smoke cigars as well as a pipe. In the end, I would much rather get reconstructive mouth surgery than die from lung cancer.
Approximately 80%.
Smokers have a higher rate of cancer in the mouth then non smokers.
Tobacco smoking accounts for nearly 90% of all lung cancers. The risk of developing lung cancer is increased for smokers who start at a young age, and for those who have smoked for a long time
Lung cancer is the leading cause of deaths because of cancer in the United States. Lung cancer kills more people each year than colon, prostate, ovarian, and breast cancers combined. Smokers have the greatest risk of lung cancer.
The question is poor;y phrased. Do you meanthe percentage of smokers who get canceris so mouth cancer,lung cancer,oesophagal cancer, orany cancer.the percentage of cancers that are smoking related (again, cancers of what organs?).
lung; throat...
Yes, they do.