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Q: What parts are involved in activity of nervous system?
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What parts of the nervous system are involved in involuntary actions?

automatic nervous system

What is nervous tissues?

Nervous tissue is the main component of the two parts of the nervous system which are the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system. It is also the main component of the branching peripheral nerves of the peripheral nervous system, which regulates and controls bodily functions and activity.

Which parts of the gastrointestinal tract are innervated by the somatic nervous system?

GI tract is innervated locally by the enteric nervous system and activity of the Cajal pacemaker cells and by the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic / parasympathetic). It is not innervated by the somatic nervous system. I'm a neurobiologist/physiologist.

What is the 2 parts of the nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system.

What are two important parts of the Nervous system?

Well, two important parts of the nervous system is the Central Nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. I hope that answers your question.

What are the parts that make up the nervous system?

The parts that make the nervous system are the brain and the spinalcord

The activity coordinating system is referring to what system of the body?

The activity coordinating system refers to the nervous system of the body, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. This system is responsible for coordinating and regulating various activities in the body, such as movement, sensory perception, and communication between different parts of the body.

How many part do the nervous system?

there are two parts of a nervous system.

Why do body parts have to work together to do an activity?

Body parts need to work together to perform activities because each part has a specific role to play. For example, to walk, the legs need to move in coordination with the arms to maintain balance. If any body part fails to do its job, the activity may not be completed successfully. Coordination among body parts ensures efficient movement and functioning.

What are the main parts of the system?

the main part of the nervous system are the brain the spinal cord and the neurons. The Two MAIN parts of the nervous systems are the central and peripheral nervous system. THE CEREBELLUM IS PART OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM

Mention the two parts of the nervous system?

The central nervous system (including the brain) and the peripheral nervous system.

What are 2 main parts of nervous system?

The central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)