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The primary motor cortex, located in the precentral gyrus, controls most voluntary muscle activity in the body. That said, there are many other parts of the brain involved in muscular coordination. The stimulus originates in the precentral gyrus, but the cerebellum also adds input to make movement smooth and to coordinate body position, the spinal cord and basic reflex are involved in telling the brain how much stretch is placed on the muscle, so as not to tear the muscle or cause injury, etc.

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In the brain, a part known as cerebral motor cortex controls the muscle movements.

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The motor cortex.

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the cerebellum

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Q: What part of the brain coordinates muscle activity?
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What part of the brain coordinates body movements?

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The cerebellum is the second largest part of your brain. It coordinates muscle movement and controls balance. It also receives information from the spinal cord and other parts of the brain.The second largest part of the brain is the cerebellum.The cerebellum is the second largest area of the brain.

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cortex of brain can control the movement of voluntary muscular

Why is cerebrum is the biggest part and control muscle movement?

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The part of the central nervous system that coordinates muscle activities and aids in balance is called the cerebellum.

What is the part of the brain that coordinates your muscles so you can walk?

The cerebellum (infratentorial or back of brain) is located at the back of the head. Its function is to coordinate voluntary muscle movements and to maintain posture, balance, and equilibrium.

What do you do without a brain?

Nothing. Brain is the body part which coordinates all the bodily functions.

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The cerebellum is the part of the brain that coordinates complex somatic motor patterns by integrating sensory information and coordinating movement.

Which part of the brain regulates and coordinates all complex motor activities?

The cerebellum is the part of the brain that controls and coordinates complex motor activities using signals from other parts of the brain and the spinal cord. It is located in the back of the head at the base of the brain.