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Kidneys play a main role in filtering liquid wastes from our body. Kidney has millions of nephrons which filter the urine. it removes urea, other toxic materials from it. and by chance if glucose and other useful products are removed then they are reabsorbed in final filtration process. nephron is the simplest unit of kidney.
The kidney.

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The human body has two systems used for waste elimination. The excretory system helps remove liquid wastes through urine. The gastrointestinal system eliminates undigested solid wastes.

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Excretory System or simply the Urinary System
The kidney is an urinary system which removes waste products from blood and secretes urine.
The urinary system.

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Q: What body system removes waste from the blood to make urine?
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What body system removes liquid and waste from the blood and transports them to the outside of the body?

The urinary system or renal system removes liquid and waste from the blood and transports them to the outside of the body. The kidneys remove waste, from the blood, which travels down the ureters into the bladder from where it passes through the urethra as urine.

What removes waste from the blood and produces urine?


What body system removes liquid and wastes from the blood and transports them to the outside of the body?

The urinary system or renal system removes liquid and waste from the blood and transports them to the outside of the body. The kidneys remove waste, from the blood, which travels down the ureters into the bladder from where it passes through the urethra as urine.

Removes water and waste from blood to bladder?

The kidneys remove water and waste from blood, turning them into urine. The urine is then sent to the bladder for storage before excretion.

How it removes wastes from the body?

The body removes waste through the excretory system, which includes the kidneys, liver, lungs, and skin. The kidneys filter waste from the blood to produce urine, the liver processes waste products and toxins, the lungs eliminate carbon dioxide and other gases, and the skin removes waste through sweat.

What organ system removes nitrogen containing wastes from the blood?

The urinary system removes nitrogen-containing wastes from the blood. This process occurs primarily in the kidneys, where waste products such as urea are filtered out of the blood and excreted in the form of urine.

What organ removes metabolic waste from the blood?

The kidney is the organ responsible for filtering metabolic waste from the blood to form urine, which is then excreted from the body.

How does the urinary system remove the body wastes?

The urinary system removes waste products, excess ions, and water from the body by filtering the blood in the kidneys to produce urine. Urine travels from the kidneys to the bladder through the ureters and is then expelled from the body through the urethra during urination.

Which system removes waste from the blood and regulates the body's fluids?

Urinary system

What group of organs removes waste from blood?

The urinary system takes the waste from your blood and excretes it when 'nature calls'.

What 4 systems eliminate waste in the body?

The excretory system eliminates waste through the kidneys, skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal system. The kidneys filter waste from the blood to form urine, the skin releases waste products through sweat, the lungs eliminate carbon dioxide through respiration, and the gastrointestinal system eliminates solid waste through feces.

Which body system removes waste from the blood?

I'm almost sure its by the urinary system.