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A portion of the heme group

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Q: What part of the hemoglobin molecule is recycled to form bile?
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Is the B-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule a complete DNA molecule?

No, the B-subunit of hemoglobin A is a protein subunit, not a DNA molecule. Hemoglobin is composed of four protein subunits (two alpha and two beta) that come together to form the hemoglobin molecule, which carries oxygen in red blood cells. The instructions for making these protein subunits are found in the DNA of our cells.

What is recycled from the kreb cycle and how?

Carbon dioxide is recycled from the Krebs cycle in the form of the molecule oxaloacetate. This oxaloacetate can be used as a starting material to combine with acetyl-CoA to continue the cycle.

What element is found in hemoglobin molecule?

Iron is the element found in the heme group of hemoglobin molecules, which is responsible for binding oxygen in the blood.

What type of molecule is not functioning in the usual manner when a person has sickle cell?

The molecule affected in sickle cell disease is hemoglobin, specifically the beta-globin protein component. A mutation in the beta-globin gene causes the hemoglobin molecule to form abnormal structures, leading to the characteristic sickle shape of red blood cells. This abnormal hemoglobin can cause red blood cells to become rigid and stick together, leading to various complications.

What is methanoglobnemia?

Methanoglobnemia is mispelled, it's actually methemoglobinemia Methemoglobinemia is a blood disorder in which an abnormal amount of methemoglobin -- a form of hemoglobin -- is produced. Hemoglobin is the molecule in red blood cells that distributes oxygen to the body. Methemoglobin cannot release oxygen. In methemoglobinemia, the hemoglobin is unable to release oxygen effectively to body tissues.

How is hemoglobin important for the body?

Each molecule of hemoglobin combines with 4 oxygen molecules to carry oxygen from the lungs through the bloodstream to the organs.

Oxygen binds with hemoglobin in the blood to form?

oxygen binds with hemoglobin in the lungs and forms oxyhemoglobin.

What does the medical terminology combining form cholangio- mean?

The medical terminology combining form cholangio- relates to the bile ducts. It is commonly used in medical terms related to the liver and bile duct system.

What are the causes of the conginital form of mehtemoglobinemia?

One cause is a defect in the body's systems to reduce methemoglobin to hemoglobin. The other cause is a mutant form of hemoglobin called hemoglobin M that cannot bind to oxygen.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning common bile duct?

The medical terminology combining form for the common bile duct is "choledoch/o."

What is an example of a dimer?

Hemoglobin is an example of a dimer. It is composed of two protein subunits that come together to form a functional molecule responsible for carrying oxygen in red blood cells.

Which organ structure is the bile duct?

Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder.