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Q: What part of the brain develops last and how does that impact teenagers?
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What is the last part of the brain a baby develops?

The frontal lobe is the last part of the brain to develop fully.

What is the part of the body that grows last during Puberty?

Hair continues growing, particularly chest hair which develops well into their 20's. Muscle mass also continues, and the genitals reach their final size.

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A chronic condition.

The last part of the brain to develop?

The frontal lobe is the last part of the brain to develop fully.

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It has increased.

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Altimodilation is the final stage of brain rush.

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Hearing. Sight is actually the last sense to develop.

How long will the freon last after the AC recharge?

Until a leak develops which allows the refrigerant to escape.

How long does a cold last in teenagers?

Colds last longer in babies and young children. Teenagers it will be at its worst from 2 days and after that it wont be as bad! Hope this helps and if anyone thinks any different please comment as i would like to know aswellfor my son!!

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it is spoon5