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Q: What part of a male is substantially longer than in females?
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Related questions

Is the male part of a flower longer than the females?

It depends on what kind of flower you're talking about. There is no reason that one of the sex organs would always be longer than the other.

What is the name of the females parts of a plant?

The ovary and the male part is the Anther

Is Vasectomy for males or females?

The vas deferens is part of the male reproductive system, so it's male.

Can male seahorses become females?

No. Males carry the eggs and give birth to the young which is normally part of the female's role, but the male is still genetically male.

Which body parts differentiate a female from a male human being?

The male part is penis versus females have a uterus and fallopian tubes for reproduction

What do male raccoons do after mating?

After breeding season has ended the male raccoons go off on their own and live in small groups away from the females. They play no part in raising the young. Only the females raise the young.

What sports do just females play?

females play any and every sport that there counter part plays ... maybe not on the same team but certainly they can do what every a male can do ...

What was unusual about female actors in the globe theatre?

because it was played by male actors and no females were allowed to perform in those days. so men played the females part.

Is the male structure of the flower the pistil?

i just learned that the pistils r the females reproductive part of a flower a males reproductive part is called a steman

How do you male cones differ female cones?

Male cones are smaller, do not open, and are located on the lower part of the tree. Females are the opposite; big, open, and located higher on the tree.

How long should a cats canine teeth be?

The gender and breed of the cat will play a part in canine tooth size but, an average is 1-3cm. Male cats will generally have longer canines than females and exotics will have bigger canines than domesticated breeds.

Is a stigma a male or female part of a flower?

Flowers are males or females they all have female or maleparts. The Stigma is the female part of the flower not a male, because you know from the word Stigma is says "ma" like Mum. However the male part is called stamen and you will know ir is the male ppart because of the word "Men" at the end.You're welcome!