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The film because it forms the real image just like the retina.

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The reflection mirror.

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Q: What part of a camera is the iris like?
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What part of the eye is most like an aperture of a camera?

The iris is like the aperture part of a camera, which used to also be called the iris.

What part of the eye is like the diaphragm of a camera?

the iris

Is it the lens or iris that acts like the eye in a camera?

The iris acts like the aperture of a camera lens.

What part of the eye is similar to that of the lens in a camera?


What is a iris scan?

Like fingerprints, a person's iris is unique. An iris scan is accomplished by a system that uses a device like a digital camera to record details about a person's iris. The image is converted to an iris code and stored in a database for future use.

What part of your eye is like the diaphragm of a camera?

It is identical in action to the iris in your eye, it widens and narrows to allow only the required amount of light through the aperture hole/pupil

What is the part of the eye that is similar to the shutter?

The part of the eye that is similar to the shutter in a camera is the iris. It regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil, functioning like a camera's aperture to control the amount of light reaching the retina.

What body part is the same as the iris diaphragm?

The iris diaphragm in a camera is most similar to the iris in the human eye. Both structures regulate the amount of light entering the system.

What part of a microscope can be adjusted like a camera shutter to control the light passing through the object and the body tube?

As in a camera, this part is usually called an iris diaphragm. It can make the aperture bigger to let in more light, or smaller to make the image sharper. The shutter in a camera is not the same thing.

How is the diaphragm of a camera like the iris of the eye?

A camera's diaphragm and your eye's iris perform the same function in the same way. They both control how much light is allowed through the lens by expanding and contracting.

What part of the eye is like emulsion?


What is the term for how much light the camera's iris allows into the camera?
