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Your venous system certainly falls in the category along with your arterial system.

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Q: What other object is like the bronchi tubes?
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What are the bronchi and what do they do?

bronchi is a tube like structure. It carries air to lungs.

How does the bronchi and what is its job?

bronchi is tube like structure. It carries air to lungs.

What is the difference between trachea and bronchi?

Bronchi (plural of bronchus) are tubes that branch off from the trachea into each lung. Bronchioles are smaller tubes that branch off from each bronchus. Also there are only two bronchi compared with the hundreds of bronchioles

The smallest of the air distribution tubes in the respiratory tract are the?

The smallest air distribution tubes in the respiratory tract are the bronchioles. They branch off from the bronchi and further divide into smaller passageways that end in clusters of air sacs called alveoli.

Is sleep good for you?

totally. if u dont get enough rest, you can get like, bronchi... something or many other diseses.

What are bronchi coated with?

The bronchi are located in the lungs and are coated with mucus. They also have cilia which are small hair-like projections on the surface of the bronchi that move the mucus towards the outside of the body.

What are examples of adjectives formed by the use of suffixes?

Thus: "fester": To become infected and produce pus. "Festering" (adding 'ing'): A wound that has become infected. Thus: "Bronchi": The tubes leading from the nose to the branches of the lungs. "Bronchial" (adding 'al' : Pertaining to description or disease of those tubes, as in "Bronchial system" or "Bronchial pneumonia". And the like . . .

What is bronchi ecstasies?

i also have the same deases like you...

Describe the structure of the trachea?

The trachea is lined by cartilage and divided into two branches. These two branches are called the bronchi. The left bronchus enters the left lung and the right bronchus enters the right lung. Each bronchus is further divided into around 25 smaller branches. These smaller divisions of bronchi are known as the bronchioles. The bronchioles carry air into thealveoli.

What are the two branches of the trachea?

The wind pipe is called a trachea. It brings air from your mouth down into your lungs. It is a straight tube at the top that separates into two branches, one going into each lung. These are the left bronchus and right bronchus.

Bronchi denfinition and role?

A tube like structure. bronchi and brochioles provide air to the lung. They carry both oxygen and co2.

Why do we need 2 Bronchi?

The bronchi are tubes leading to the lungs, you have two lungs, ergo you need two bronchi.Now why two lungs? A lot of your body organs and parts come in paired sets - lungs, kidneys, eyes, ears, arms, testicles, or as multiples like teeth, toes, fingers - to provide you with a backup set if one fails due to disease or injury.