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they help a lot of other body systems like:

The digestive system(sphincter muscle in stomach and anus)

The circulatory system(cardiac muscle)

The skeletal system(in movement of bones)

And if we see it's because of the eye which has ciliary muscles which help sharpen the focus of the lenses.


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Q: What other body systems to muscles help?
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The two systems that help move the body are the muscular system and the skeletal system. The muscles and ligaments contract and relax to move the bones they are attached to. The term used for the combination of both these systems is the musculoskeletal system

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Some muscles (skeletal muscles) will not contract unless stimulated by neurons; other muscles (smooth & cardiac) will contract without nervous stimulation but their contraction can be influenced by the nervous system. Thus, the nervous and muscle systems are closely interconnected.

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the muscles could not work without the bones and vice versa. The bones are the structure of your body and the muscles help you move your bones.

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the circulatory system helps other systems function because it circulates blood to the other systems in your body and that helps the other systems function because the other systems have to pass that through that system

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The muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems work together to help you run. Your muscles contract to move and propel you forward, your skeletal system provides structural support and leverage, and your cardiovascular system delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles while removing waste products.

How do your muscles help perform a volley serve or skill?

Your muscles help perform a volley ball serve or skill by transferring your muscles' energies from your body into the ball, causing it to fly to the other side. It involves mostly hand, arm, and back muscles.

How can taking care of a cut help protect other body systems?

Taking care of a cut by cleaning it and covering it with a bandage can prevent infection, which could potentially spread to other parts of the body and affect other systems. Treating a cut promptly can also help promote faster healing, reducing the risk of complications that could impact other body systems.