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Q: What other benzylbenzoate chemicals do i need to avoid if I have had a bad skin allergy to benzylkonium chloride?
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What is multiple chemical sensitivity?

MCS is supposed to be an allergy to chemicals at low concentrations.

what food allergy occurs when the body has a reaction to?

A. cleaning chemicals. B. airborne pathogens.

Sodium chloride can cause allergic reaction?

Using sodium chloride as condiment and preservative in reasonable amounts (2-5 g/day) doesn't cause an allergy; but the sensitivity of peoples to NaCl is different.

What is Objective of consumer awareness?

Consumers should be aware of what they are buying. Awareness is important with chemicals and when buying food with allergy properties.

Can you get bumps all over your face after running in a field of soy beans?

If you got goosebumps from running through a field of soy beans, you may have an allergy. It may be an allergy to the soy bean dust, or to the chemicals that were sprayed on them.

Green headed wasps in Turkey are they poisonous?

Wasp stings are not poisonous, but can be dangerous if the person has an allergy to the chemicals in a wasp sting. This principle applies to the Green Headed Wasp.

What type of test is a Melisa test?

A Melisa test is a blood test that detects allergys. A Mellisa test helps you to find out if you have a allergy for chemicals, metals and other things.

A disorder caused by the body's exaggerated response to foreign chemicals and proteins is a?

The disorder caused by the body's exaggerated response to foreign chemicals and proteins is called an allergy. Symptoms can range from mild reactions like itching and sneezing to severe reactions like anaphylaxis.

Can you get allergy testing done at an allergy treatment center?

Yes, most allergy treatment centers will do allergy testing for a variety of common allergens. In addition, doctors at the allergy center can also prescribe appropriate allergy medications for your daughter.

Does an allergy to bee stings mean an allergy to honey?

No, allergy to bee stings does not mean that there is also an allergy to honey. The two allergens are not related.

Does Achoo Allergy work for allergy relief?

Achoo Allergy is a place which provides solutions for bedding which prevent allergy causing factors. They do not actually relieve your existing allergy but provide options to prevent it from re-occurring by curbing the allergy aggravating particles

What is the spanish word for allergy?

Allergy - alergia