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Q: What organelles are in the muscle cardiac cell?
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When the cardiac muscle cell is stimulated the cell is said to be?

The cardiac muscle cell is self stimulating and will beat.

What muscle cell is the cardiac muscle?


Is a cardiac muscle cell a plant or animal cell?

Animal cell because cardiac is part of the heart

What is the main type of cell in a muscle?

cardiac muscle tissue

Who has more nuclei per cell skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle?

which has more nuclei per cell skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle? I guess that they both have the same number of nuclei.

What is the significance of the large number of mitochondria in cardiac muscle cell?

The large number of mitochondria in cardiac muscle cells is significant because these organelles produce ATP through aerobic respiration, which is essential for providing the energy needed for the continuous and rhythmic contractions of the heart. This high energy demand is met by the abundant mitochondria in cardiac muscle cells, ensuring proper functioning of the heart muscle.

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What is the name of the heart cell?

a cardiac muscle cell ormyocardiocytes

Which muscle tissue has several nuclei per cell?

Smooth muscle tissue

Which tissue has single nucleus in each cell?

Cardiac muscle tissue typically has a single nucleus in each cell.

Is cardiac muscle a striated muscle?

Cardiac muscle is striated because the only cardiac muscle in your body is your heart and your heart never stops working unless you die.

What kingdom is the cardiac muscle cell found?
