Pretty much all of them. Diabetes affects the entire body. Diabetics are also much more likely to have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The pancreas is the organ that makes insulin, if that was what you really wanted to know, but diabetes effects the eyes, all circulatory system organs, kidneys, nerves, and digestive system.
That's true, but the pancreas is the only organ directly affected.
All of your organs can be affected by diabetes (type I and II), but the eyes, kidneys and skin (skin the is body's largest organ) are the ones that are usually affected most often. Diabetes also affects healing when you have a wound, especially in the lower extremities due to poor circulation. Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, it affects that organ as well. That is why it is crucial to maintain proper foot care, and to treat any wounds or injuries with great care.
Diabetes mellitus.
The scientific name for diabetes is diabetes mellitus.
No there is not vector involved in Diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes Mellitus
The prefix for mellitus is "hyper-".
pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus type 2
Diabetes is caused by any defect onlow or no secretion of insulin orimproper use of insulinInsulin is secreted by the gland "Pancreas". So pancreas is responsible for diabetes, it the cause is low insulin secretion (type II diabetes) or no insulin secretion (type I diabetes).Body cells is not sensitive to insulin, then diabetes type II is caused called as insulin resistance.
secondary complications of diabetes mellitusSecondary complication of diabetes mellitusDiabetes Mellitus.
Gestational diabetes mellitus is a form of diabetes that occurs when a woman is pregnant. It often goes away after birth.
Diabetes mellitus type 1
At the age of 4, the type of diabetes mellitus you would expect to have is type 1 juvenile diabetes.
Of course