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pancreas, thyroid, skeletal muscle and myocardium

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not many, it can affect basicall everything

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Q: What organ effected of TB?
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Will marijuana show up in a tb test?

No, weed treats TB.

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What organ is effected when you have gastric ulcer?

The organ being affected by Gastric Ulcer is the Stomach

What organs does tuberculosis damage?

The organ that is damaged if a person has Tuberculosis (TB) is the lungs.

What system does Ebola effect?

=The organ systems that are effected by Ebolaare all the organs except for the muceles.All organs systems in your body can be effected by Ebola except for the muceles in your body=

If were treated for latent tb can still develope active tb?

Latent TB can develop into Active TB. When the TB is latent, the mycobacteria causing the infection has been targeted and effectively "trapped" within calcified lumps in the affected organ / tissue. If the immune system becomes weakened for some reason (eg. old age, other disease) then the TB bacteria is often able to break through the lumps, and so becomes active.

What are some organs in th circulatory system?

The Heart is really the only organ, but you must remember that EVERY organ receives blood from the circulatory system, so in essence, truly all organs are effected.

What systems are effected by hypothermia?

It affects virtually all organ systems. The most significantly affeccted are the cardiovascular system and the Central Nervous System.

What are the organs affected by Shigellosis?

The organ that is most affected by gastroenteritis is the stomach. The small intestine and the colon are also effected but not as bad as the stomach. But any part of the GI tract can be effected, and isolated biiary tract involvement has also been reported.

When was TB or Not TB created?

TB or Not TB was created on 2005-11-01.

What is the most effective prevention against mycobacterium leprae?

is a contagious infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It usually affects the lungs but can attack almost any organ of the body. Like the common cold, TB spreads through the air. Only people who are sick with TB in their lungs are infectious

What is 10 tb?

1 tb= 1000gb 10 tb= 10000gb