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Q: What neurotransmitter released in dark by photoreceptor?
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What ionic and electrical events occur in the photoreceptors rods when it is dark?

In the dark, photoreceptor rods are depolarized due to a continuous influx of sodium ions through cGMP-gated channels, maintaining a steady release of glutamate neurotransmitter. This constant release of glutamate signals the dark adaptation state of the photoreceptor.

A device that monitors the activity of the photoreceptor cells of the eye indicates that there is a constant flow of neurotransmitter being released by the photoreceptor cells This information implie?

This information implies that the photoreceptor cells are continuously sending visual signals to the brain. The constant release of neurotransmitters indicates that the photoreceptor cells are actively responding to light stimuli. This activity is crucial for maintaining normal vision and processing visual information.

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The substance that is released at an axonal ending to propagate the nerve impulse to the next nerve or muscle is called

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When neurotransmeter released from nerv terminal?

After the neurotransmitter is released from the nerve terminal, it moves across the synapse. At that point, the neurotransmitter may bind with receptors.

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neurotransmitter (:

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Acetylcholine is the main neurotransmitter released at the effector organ when the parasympathetic division is stimulated.

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A chemical released from one neuron to another is?

A neurotransmitter.

The neurotransmitter released by somatic motor neurons is?
