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Q: What nervous system transmits sensory information to the brain and spinal cord and from the brain and spinal cord to the skeletal muscles?
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What nervous system transmits information to voluntary muscles while the?

It is the somatic nervous system that transmits information to voluntary muscles. The autonomic nervous system transmits information to involuntary muscles.

What is controlled by the somatic division of the PNS?

The somatic division of the peripheral nervous system controls voluntary movements, such as skeletal muscle contractions. It also transmits sensory information from the skin, muscles, and joints to the central nervous system for processing.

What are the fibers that carry information from the skin joints and skeletal muscles to the nervous system?

Somatic nerves from the somatic nervous system

Which pns systems controls skeletal muscles?

The somatic nervous system controls skeletal muscles. It is responsible for voluntary movement and receives motor information from the brain to stimulate muscle contraction.

What fibers carry information from the skin joints and skeletal muscles to the central nervous system?


What is Skeletal muscles controlled by?

Skeletal muscles are controlled by motor neurons in the somatic branch of the peripheral nervous system, which is controlled by the central nervous system.

Which of the following allows us to consciously control your skeletal muscles somatic nervous system sympathetic division of the sutonomic nervous system the involuntary nervous system or the parasymp?

The somatic nervous system allows us to consciously control our skeletal muscles.

What allows us to consciously move or skeletal muscles?

Somatic, or voluntary, nerves connect to skeletal muscles refers to the conscious control of skeletal muscles.

What is the name of the division of the nervous system that exclusively controls skeletal muscles?

Somatic Nervous System

Which branch of the nervous system is responsible for voluntary control of skeletal muscles?

the somatic nervous system

How does the skeletal System interact with the Nervous System?

The skeletal system helps mobilize the body by providing attachment sites for the muscles; producing levers. The nervous system tells the skeletal muscles what do do. So, by controlling the muscles, the nervous system indirectly interacts with the skeletal system. i agree with that because i know the nervous system does do that that was a good answer. but do you know when you grow real old and your bones cant stand up any longer you get osteperosis i love the sketetal but i dont agree. with her answer because my grandmother is really really old older than you can imagine and she has healthy bones she does not have osteoperosis so i don't agree.

Is skeletal muscle controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System?

No. Smooth muscle is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (like the intestinal muscles). Two skeletal muscles in the middle ear automatically respond to sound.