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  1. i am not sure but it might have something to do with your triceps and biceps
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Q: What muscle work with triceps muscles to bend?
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How do skeletal muscles work as a pair to bend and straighten the arm at the elbow?

Skeletal muscles work in pairs, with one muscle contracting (agonist) to bend the arm at the elbow and the other muscle relaxing (antagonist). When bending the arm, the biceps brachii contracts and the triceps brachii relaxes. When straightening the arm, the triceps brachii contracts and the biceps brachii relaxes. This coordinated action allows for smooth and controlled movement at the elbow joint.

What 2 muscle work to bend or straighten your elbow?

The biceps and the triceps.-McKenzie

What muscle does chest press work?

pectorils MAINLY front delts and triceps, and to a lesser degree the pecs.

What does muscles work in pairs mean?

Skeletal muscles are arranged as opposing pairs because, although they can shorten themselves by contracting, they have to be stretched back to their former length by other muscles. An example of opposing muscles is in the arm, where the biceps and triceps have opposite actions. As one muscle shortens, the other is stretched. The biceps contracts to bend the arm at the elbow while the triceps stretches. To straighten the elbow joint, the triceps contracts, while the biceps stretches.

Which muscle does shoulder press work out?

It mainly works the Deltoid muscles, but also works the Triceps Brachii and Trapezius.

Why can you bend your arms?

When you bend your arm your brain send signals to your arm muscles telling the biceps, your upper arm muscles, to contract, go taut or stretch, while telling your triceps, lower arm muscles, to relax, become less tense or ease. Both of these muscles act as an antagonistic pair and work together to bend the arm. Each muscle uses the bones in your arm, the Humerus, the ulna and the radius, as an anchor.MonkeyLover-Dinda

How do your muscles work in pairs to make parts of the body move using your bicepts and tricepts?

When one muscle of a pair contracts, the other muscle of the pair relaxes to allow movement of the body part.

Muscles work in opposable pairs What do they mean by this?

it means when one muscle contracts the other relaxes like the biceps and triceps

What muscle causes a joint to straighten when it contracts?

The muscle that causes a joint to straighten when it contracts are the extensor muscles. These include the triceps that work with the biceps to extend the arm.

Why do muscles ocontract and relax?

Yes, all muscles will contract and relax, Except the cardiac muscle and involuntary muscles which will be constantly working. er. Heart, intestines. But Voluntary muscles will only work together antagonistically.

What are antagonist for the biceps?

The Triceps brachii

Why do muscles need bones in order for the body to move?

AnswerThough not all muscles work in pairs, the general principle is that one muscle moves a bone one way, and the other muscle moves it the opposite way. Why? Because muscles can only pull, not push.For example, when you bend your arm, the biceps muscle pulls. When you want to straighten it, the biceps muscle cannot push it back. Instead, the triceps muscle that's on the back of the arm pulls in the other direction.