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Involuntary muscles contract subconsciously.

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Q: What muscle such as the heart muscle does its job without thinking about it?
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A muscle such as the heart muscle that does its job without thinking about it?

involuntary muscles

What is a muscle such as the heart muscle that does its job without thinking about it?

heart brain the digestion track the lungs

What muscle such as the heart muscle does there job without thinking about it?

lungs, for one. heart, lungs, and tongue.

What is the job of the cardiac muscle?

The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control.

Why do they say that the heart is a muscle?

Because your heart is a muscle, a cardiac muscle. a muscles job is to contract an that is exactly what the heart does, it contracts to pump blood.

What is the primary function of a cardiac muscle cell?

The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control.

In the heart what job dos the muscle tissue have?

The heart is made up of muscle tissue (cardiac muscle). The muscle tissue contracts to pump blood.

What job does a muscle have?

That depends on what muscle you're talking about. A skeletal muscle pulls the bone and causes the joints(and the body part) to bend. Without it, we would not be able to do even the simplest errands because we can't move a thing. Smooth muscle is the muscle of the organs(excluding the heart), blood vessels. Smooth muscle is not under voluntary control, meaning you don't have any control over it. Without it, you won't be able to move any of your organs, or move blood well throughout your body. Cardiac muscle is simply the muscle of the heart. The heart is the only place that has this muscle and this also is involuntary. Without it, you will not be able to pump blood throughout your body, and because of lack of oxygen, you will die.

Muscle is the ability of your muscles to do their job over a period of time without becoming tired?

Endurance is your muscle's ability to do their job over a period of time without tiring.

What is the ability of your muscles to do their job over a period of time without become tired is?

Endurance is your muscle's ability to do their job over a period of time without tiring.

What is the only cardiac muscle and what is it job?

There is 2 main cardiac muscles. The heart, which pumps blood; and all the arteries in your body, which are actually a muscle because they squeeze in sync with your heart rate to keep your blood flowing

What are mucles?

Muscle is a body parts in side of ous. There are three different types of muscle the Skeletal,Smooth and the Cardiac. The skeletal muscle is the muscle that you can see and feel its also a voluntary muscle that means you choose to move them. The Smooth is in your digustive system it helps you move along the food. The Cardiac is the muscle in your heart it has a job of pumping all the blood out from the heart.