When you straighten your arm your bicep is relaxed and your tricep is contracted.
The bicep muscle. The tricep contracts to straighten the arm as the bicep relaxes.
The muscle that causes a joint to straighten when it contracts are the extensor muscles. These include the triceps that work with the biceps to extend the arm.
The Biceps brachii muscle. We just call it the biceps, though. (Pronounced bye-seps) To straighten the arm again, the triceps muscle is contracted - which lies 'underneath' the upper arm.
When lowering arm biceps relax and triceps contracts. When one contracts the other relaxes when you move it forward and downward.
Skeletal muscles work in pairs, with one muscle contracting (agonist) to bend the arm at the elbow and the other muscle relaxing (antagonist). When bending the arm, the biceps brachii contracts and the triceps brachii relaxes. When straightening the arm, the triceps brachii contracts and the biceps brachii relaxes. This coordinated action allows for smooth and controlled movement at the elbow joint.
The triceps are responsible for straighting and the bicep is for curling muscle.
The tricep contracts and the bicep relaxes.
The muscle in your arm contracts. The muscle on the other side of your arm, opposite from the side that you are flexing, stretches.
Straightening your arm at the elbow is called extension. Elbow extension is caused primarily by contracting the triceps brachii muscle, although the small anconeus muscle does play a role. Wrist extension is accomplished primarily by contracting the extensor carpi radialis & the extensor carpi ulnaris; but is also assisted by contracting the extensor digitorum, the extensor indicis, the extensor digiti minimi, the extensor pollicis brevis, & the extensor pollicis longus.
Doms, or delayed onset muscle soreness, occurs when muscles are overworked or strained. When a muscle is sore, it may be difficult to fully straighten the arm due to inflammation and muscle tightness. This can limit the range of motion and make it uncomfortable to fully extend the arm.
Skeletal muscles are arranged as opposing pairs because, although they can shorten themselves by contracting, they have to be stretched back to their former length by other muscles. An example of opposing muscles is in the arm, where the biceps and triceps have opposite actions. As one muscle shortens, the other is stretched. The biceps contracts to bend the arm at the elbow while the triceps stretches. To straighten the elbow joint, the triceps contracts, while the biceps stretches.
it contracts