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For upright posture, many to name, but mainly focusing on extension from ankles to head:

quadriceps (knee ext), gluteus maximus and hamstings (hip ext), gastrocnemius/soleus (preventing anterior translation of tibia and knee buckling), lumbar through capital extensors (iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis, semispinalis, multifidus, quadratus lumborum, interspinales, rectus capitis posterior major & minor, obliquus capitis superior- to maintain spinal extension); as well as scapular stabilizers to prevent winging and hold shoulders back (rhomboids, trapezius, serratus anterior). I'm sure I left a few out, but you have the majority here

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It is skeleton system that maintain the posture. Muscles give shape to the body.

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11y ago

quadratus lumborum

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Q: What muscle maintains upright position?
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Tonic contraction holds the muscles in position. In other words, muscle tone maintains posture.

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No, neither word is being used as an adverb. Position is a noun and upright is an adjective describing the position desired.

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