

Best Answer

extensor hallicus longus

i had this same problem in my a and p class and the actual answer is fibularis tertius

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Q: What muscle is responsible for keeping your toes from dragging when walking?
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Muscle is responsible for keeping your toes from dragging when walking?

A and P? Answer is fibularis tertius

Which muscle is responsible for preventing toes from dragging when walking?

fibularis tertius

What is the most common type of muscle in the body?

Skeletal muscle is the most common type of muscle in the body. It is attached to bones and is responsible for voluntary movements like walking and lifting objects.

Does walking on an incline build muscle?

Of course it does. If walking builds muscle then walking at an incline builds muscle. Different muscles will be worked at different angles.

What is the function of the plyoric muscle?

The pyloric muscle is in a ring shape and is responsible for keeping the pyloric sphincter closed , until it is time to allow some of the contents of the stomach to enter the small intestine.

Brain region that is injured to a person who is inability to walk and loss of balance?

The cerebellum is the brain region responsible for coordinating balance and muscle movements. Damage to the cerebellum can lead to difficulty walking and problems with balance.

What part of the brain that allows your muscles so you can walk?

The motor cortex in the brain is responsible for sending signals to the muscles that control movement, including walking. This region of the brain determines the pattern and coordination of muscle contractions needed for walking. Additionally, the cerebellum aids in balance and coordination during walking by integrating sensory information and adjusting muscle activity.

What tissue is responsible for movement?

cerebellum directing the muscles

What structure is primarily responsible for keeping us breathing?

the lungs fill with air because the diaphragm (a muscle that runs underneat the ribcage) moves and causes the lungs to inflate

What builds better muscle tone walking or biking?

Walking and biking both build muscle tone, especially in the lower body. Pumping arms while walking briskly will help increase muscle tone in upper body.

What is the brain looking organ in a chicken thigh?

The reddish-brown, oval-shaped organ found in a chicken thigh is the muscle known as the gastrocnemius. This muscle is responsible for extending the lower leg and pushing the body forward when walking or running.

How are muscle and bone connected?

Tendons attach to your bone and muscle keeping them together.