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The medial rectus inserts on the medial surface of the eye. It is innervated by the oculomotor nerve.

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Q: What muscle is inserted on the medial surface of the eye?
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What is the medial rectus muscle of the eye?

it is the lower muscle of the eyeball. Helps move the eyeball.

What extrinsic eye muscle turns the eye medially?

The Medial Rectus.

Turns the eye medially?

Eye movements are accomplished by the Extraocular Muscles. The muscle that moves the eye medially is the Medial Rectus.

Which cranial nerve is damaged due to a medial strabismus injury?

Medial strabismus is caused by cranial nerve damage. There is no such thing as a medial strabismus injury that causes a nerve to be damaged, rather the damaged nerve causes strabismus. A strabismus refers to the misalignment of the eyes or a deviation in gaze. A medial strabismus would be the result of damage to the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI). CNVI innervates the lateral rectus muscle of the eye, which pulls the eye laterally. Therefore, if this nerve is damaged, the eye is no longer able to pull laterally, and the tonus of the medial rectus muscle acts unopposed. This pulls the eye medially, causing medial strabismus.

What Muscle rolls the eyeball downward?

Trick question! Inferior Rectus and Superior Oblique. You sneaky person you :)

What eye muscle control the movement of the eye?

A total of six muscle move each eyeball, 4 rectus muscels and 2 obliques. The superior, inferior, lateral and medial rectal muscle all pull the eye to be looking more in ther own direction. The superior oblique pulls the eye to look down and laterally and the inferior oblique pull the eye to look um and medialy.

Where is the eye in relation to the ear lateral or medial?

The shoulders are lateral and inferior to the eyes. The eyes are superior and medial to the shoulders.

What do medial glands of the eye produce?

The medial glands of the eye are sebaceous and sweat glands. These glands produce moisture to lubricate the eye.

What is the medial angle of eye?

The medial angle of the eye, also known as the inner angle or medial canthus, is where the upper and lower eyelids meet towards the nose. This angle is important for tear drainage and helps to protect the eye from debris and foreign particles.

What is the muscle involved in the rotation of the eye?

The muscle is called an 'extraocular muscle', of which there are 6 - they are relatively small,incredible strong and efficient. They are : medial rectus; superior rectus; superior oblique; lateral rectus; inferior rectus and inferior oblique.

Is the ear medial or lateral to the eye?

The ears are lateral to the eyes. The eyes are medial to the ears.

Which muscle has the primary responsibility for closing the eye?

The Orbicularis Occuli Muscle controls the movement of your eyelids. It is located in the face and it closes the eyelids. It is the only muscle capable of this.If the orbicularis occuli muscle loses it's function, then there would be no waywhatsoever to close the eye. In extreme cases, if the muscle does not work, necessitating eye drops at the minimum is used for the removal of the eye in extreme cases.The palpebral (eyelids) portion acts involuntary in sleep or blinking. It closes the eyelids gently. The orbital (sockets) portion therefore develops conscious control. When the whole of the muscle is in action, the skin of the temple, cheek and forehead is brought toward the medial angle of the orbit and the eyelids are firmly closed. That occurs in photophobia (cannot withstand light/fear of light). Therefore, the skin that is drawn upon is thrown into folds.Every time the eyelids close because of the orbicularis muscle, the medial palpebral ligament is tightened. Therefore, the wall of the lacrimal sac is drawn lateralward and forward, therefore, a vacuum is made in it and the tears are sucked along the lacrimal canals. The lacrimal draws the eyelids and ends of the lacrimal canals medialward. And that compresses them against the globe of the eye's surface. That is it's favourite position to produce tears.By Mia Villon.