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Q: What muscle groups are the most important in flexion and extension or the knee?
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What are the two muscle contractions?

Flexion and extension.

What kind of muscle not responsible for flexion or extension of the arm?

The supinator muscle is a muscle in the forearm that is not directly responsible for flexion or extension of the arm. Its primary function is to rotate the forearm in a movement called supination, where the palm faces up.

What is the difference between muscle flexing and and muscle extension?

when u flex it, it tightens, when u extend it, it stretches Flexion is when a muscle action decreases the angle at a joint, extension is when the angle increases. A simple example is bicep curl, flexion is when the hand is brought up towards the shoulder, decreasing the angle at the elbow joint. Just because a muscle is performing flexion or extension does not not mean it is contracting or stretching, that is eccentric and concentric movement. A muscle can still be tight when performing extension.

What is the relationship between a contraction and an extension when dealing with musclular system?

When a muscle contracts it causes flexion and when muscles relax they cause extension

What muscle is the primary mover for knee flexion?

The prime mover for knee flexion is biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. The prime mover for knee extension is the Quadriceps â?? vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris

If a prime mover produces flexion its antagonist will be?

If a prime mover produces flexion, its antagonist will be the muscle responsible for producing extension at the same joint. They work in opposition to each other to create movement and stabilize the joint.

What muscle is the antagonist during extension of forearm?

The flexor carpi radialis is the agonist muscle in wrist flexion. This muscle, know as a wrist flexor, is located in the forearm.

What are examples of reverse muscle action of the human body?

The rectus femoris THe regular Muscle Action is hip flexion with knee extension, as in kicking a ball or doing a straight leg raise The reverse muscle action is still hip flexion with knee extension, but as in doing sit-ups while lying supine with knes straight ahead

What will a spinal fracture of c6 do?

A spinal fracture will only cause paralysis if the spinal cord is also damaged. A C5 injury will affect finger flexion and extension, wrist flexion, tricepts, and all muscle groups from the chest downwards throughout the body. Breathing will be compromised, as will bowel, bladder and sexual function.

What is the agonist muscle in hip flexion?

Rectus femoris+ anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus lateralis+ lateral anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus Medialis+ medial anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus intermedius+ deep anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Sartorius (*) parallel strap-like muscle that crosses thigh flexion of knee forward Biceps femoris* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee Semitendinosus* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee Semimembranosus* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee

Is the anterior forearm muscle responsible for wrist flexion or wrist extension?

The anterior forearm muscle does not actually exist. Instead, there are a total of eight different muscles with the anterior compartment of the forearm. Their jobs are specifically related to flexion and pronation, or inward rotation of the hand.

What is the muscles that rotate the radius without producing either flexion or extension of the elbow?

The muscle has to have origin and insertion below the elbow. There is only one such muscle. It is called as pronator quadtatus.