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Q: What minerals are needed for normal muscle contraction?
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What organelle provides the energy needed for muscle contraction?

The mitochondria is the organelle that provides the energy needed for muscle contraction through the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy currency of the cell.

What is the maximum rate of contraction in normal cardiac muscle fibers?


What is the medical term meaning without contraction?

Asystole means without contraction of the heart. Atony is a term used to denote no normal muscle contraction of the uterus.

What does the normal gene responsible for hypokalemic periodic paralysis responsible for?

The normal gene is responsible for a muscle protein controlling the flow of calcium during muscle contraction.

What does the normal gene responsible for hyperkalemic periodic paralysis responsible for?

The normal gene is responsible for a muscle protein controlling the flow of sodium during muscle contraction.

What happens to the strength of contraction during wave summation?

It increases about to about four times greater than a normal contraction for skeletal muscle.

What is the medical term meaning shortening or tightening of a muscle?

Contraction is the medical term meaning the normal shortening or tightening of a muscle.

What chemical reactions occur in the muscle during latent period of muscle contraction?

During the latent period of muscle contraction Ca++ is being released from the sacroplasmic reticulum and filament movement is taking up slack. This takes approx. 2 milliseconds.

What is the medical term meaning sudden contraction of a blood vessel?

Angiospasm is sudden contraction of a blood vessel. In contrast, vasoconstriction is the normal process of contraction of a blood vessel.VasoconstrictionAngiospasm

What effect will organopesticides have on muscle tissue?

Organopesticides will increase the severity of muscle contraction beyond normal conditions. Acetylcholine esterase inhibition will allow a more than normal amount of acetylcholine to bind to receptors.

What are needed in the diet as components of teeth and bone for normal muscle and nerve function for water balance and as parts of certain enzymes?

I bleive the answer you are looking for is "minerals". for instance bone and teeth require Calcium.

A skeletal muscle's partially contracted state that is normal even when the muscle is not in use is called?

The state of partial skeletal muscle contraction is known as tonus. Muscles of the body do not have a real state of total relaxation.