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It is one's perception that makes him see differently. Different people have different perceptions so they see differently.

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Q: What might be the effects of people seeing reality differenty?
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It means that the person is sparking back into reality and and seeing things make sense again.

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Seeing things as reality and based on facts (Assumptions). The one or the other (Black/white).

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Seeing things as reality and based on facts (Assumptions). The one or the other (Black/white).

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"Accept reality" is my advice.

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it's being concious that there is sociology and everything you can see around you, the interaction of every group of people and the effects that can possibly cause because of certain action.

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Yes, prejudice can obscure the truth by influencing the way individuals perceive and interpret information. It can lead to biases that prevent people from seeing the complete picture or understanding the reality of a situation.

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The duration of Seeing Other People is 1.5 hours.

When was Seeing Other People created?

Seeing Other People was created on 2004-05-07.

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Are you asking about seeing this in a a dream or as a metaphor in a book maybe? Because if you are asking about seeing it in reality, seems pretty obvious, he is dead and won't be home for dinner anymore.

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No. People do not die from seeing ghosts.