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propronolol primary purpose is to lower blood pressure.

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Q: What meds will lowet blood ptessure fast?
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How do you lower your blood sugar if i dont have my meds with me?

Don't eat--then go to an "Urgent Care" to get some meds/prescription.

Does high blood pressure meds affect the breathalyzer test?


Your husband is diabetic has to fast does he take his meds in the morning It says take with food?

no have testing done close to time or before you would take meds take meds and eat right after testing unless physician tells otherwise

What cold medicine can i take while on lithium and seroquel?

Ask your Dr. or a pharmacist, many of the meds for a cold combined with the meds that you are on cause high blood pressure

Does metoprolol have a blood thinner in it?

If it has just the name metoprolol and nothing else as the description then no.I'm no pharmacist, but I know some blood pressure meds have diuretic meds in them.Don't take my word for it talk to your doctor or your pharmacist they will know for sure.

What happends when white blood cells attack the red blood cells?

this is a form of leukemia and very dangerous, your doctor will advise you what meds to take.

Can your blood sugar dip while on oral diabetic medication?

speaking from experience , yes it can, that is why you take the meds as prescribed.

Do you have to fast for dilantin level?

No - you do not have to fast for a depakote level. However. Make sure you have your levels taken early in the morning befoe you have taken your meds. NO!- You must have your lvls check after 12hours. So if you are like me and take your meds at 9pm then you should have your lvls checked at 9am. This info from my Nurse!

Can you donate blood while on nexium?

You are always asked what meds you are currently taking before giving blood. If you live 100 miles away, I would definitely call first.

Why is medication not allowed to be infused into the blood transfusion set while a blood transfusion is going on?

Every blood transfusion carries the risk of allergic reaction, to anaphylactic shock, even if blood type is perfectly matched. If medication was also infused along with the blood, and the patient had an allergic reaction, it would be impossible to tell which sustance was causing the reaction: the blood? or the medication? Remember that every transfusion reaction can be deadly. As well, some meds may break down blood components. Therefore, never inject IV meds into a transfusion tubing or combine medications into a blood transfusion set.

What tests require fasting and are seizure meds held for levels?

for narcotics like opium marfin etc and fasting for cholesterol and blood suger

What are the effects of improper way of getting blood pressure?

If you get an incorrect BP, the medication given (if needed) will be incorrect. These meds are not without side effects.