well........i had a problem with my ear once. The ear specialist told me to rub a little bit of olive oil inside the outer ear canal and that it will make my wax start to develop again. (( My ear was not producing wax and this helped)) Do not put too much olive oil......just rub a little bit twice a week on the upper interior part of the ear ........
when you wear headphones, natural air can not pass in your ear. so, the production rate of bacteria in your ear increase by 700%. That is why, it is said that "wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 time". Exactly "At the beginning of the experiment, the typical headset had 60 microorganisms on its surface; after an hour's use of the headphones by a volunteer, that number went up to 650 - roughly 11, not 700, times more. " http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2740/does-wearing-headphones-increase-bacteria-in-the-ear
You hgave and ear infection or your ears are not cleaned out properly get a coton swab and clean your ear or get ear ache medicine
Are they old fashioned utensils for dispensing prescription medicine for ear/eye/nose infections.
Yes, the ear can overproduce earwax if it is frequently removed as a way to protect the ear canal. However, it is not a guarantee that this will happen in every case. It is important to clean the ears gently and not excessively to avoid stimulating excess earwax production.
He took his degree as a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Paris and specialized in ear, nose and throat medicine
Generally no, however in Asian medicine the ear is covered in acupressure points that can effect how a person feels.
Ear candling is not recognized as an acceptable alternative practice by naturopaths, homeopaths, practitioners of Native American medicine, or any other authority on complementary and alternative medicine.
sarivadi vati is used for different ear problems
drink medicine from the doctors office
To increase the sound waves you receive!