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Q: What medicine is prescribed for diverticulitis?
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this medicine is used to stop bleeding after delivery...

Is marijauna a medicine?

Yes, marijuana can be prescribed as a medicine in certain areas.

Is it illegal for a parent to have their kids share medicine?

If the medicine was only available by a doctor's prescription and it was only prescribed for one child- yes.If the medicine was only available by a doctor's prescription and it was only prescribed for one child- yes.If the medicine was only available by a doctor's prescription and it was only prescribed for one child- yes.If the medicine was only available by a doctor's prescription and it was only prescribed for one child- yes.

What is the medicine for circumcision?

Painkillers prescribed by your doctor.

Can you get help with your abilify?

The doctor who prescribed the medicine to you will be able to help

How can you get prescribed pain medicine?

Go in and ask your doctor that question.

You get aids what do you do?

You take the medicine you are prescribed and contact a support group.

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How do you get rid of staph?

go to doctor and take a medicine prescribed and rub medicine evry day and wait

Can a parolee live with a roommate on narcotic medicines?

There is nothing illegal about using a prescribed medicine (even if it is narcotic) and nothing illegal about living with a person who uses medicine. If, however, the medicine being used by this roommate has not been prescribed by a doctor, that is a problem.

What are good treatments for gout symptoms?

The best way to treat gout is to go do a doctor and get prescribed medicine. If you are unable to get prescribed medicine, you should try to keep off of the area which is infected with gout.

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