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try aloe Vera plant to take care of the irritated skin and cold cucumber slices to take care of the puffiness

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Q: What medication to use on irritated skin below eyes I recently suffered an allergic reaction to hair dye and now the skin under my eyes is puffy discoloured and irritated.?
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I suspect that anyone can develop a allergic reaction to any medication depending upon what the medication contains and what they are allergic to. If you suspect you have had a allergic reaction, see your Doctor.

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The best way to treat irritated ears from an allergic reaction to earrings is to remove the earrings immediately. If no signs of infection are spotted, keep the ears clean and avoid using metals that cause an allergic reaction in the future.

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Stop using the sunblock and find a sunblock that doesn't cause an allergic reaction.

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995.27 if it is a reaction to a medication, 995.3 for other allergic reactions

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Atarax, a prescribed medication.

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Symptons may include reddening of the face, rashes on parts of the body, including the hands, and irritated eyes.

What are the allergic reactions to amoxicillin in infants?

An allergic reaction can be hives or even a severe reaction such as anaphylactic shock. If you have any concerns regarding the medication you are on or the symptoms you may be having call your doctor immediatly. Severe allergic reactions can cause death.

What is an allergic reaction?

an allergic reaction to median is for instance if your allergic to Valium you would have a seizure so for a better example usually when it comes to meds you get a reverse affect to the medication butt when it comes to food or nature it Veriee's per person usually.

Can you be allergic to your eyelashes?

"Yes. Your eyes can become irritated and red, to a severe reaction where they swell closed. There are different brands on the market, so it is best to determine which ingredient you are allergic to if you wish to continue to wear fake lashes."