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Your mom did so lol ™

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Q: What makes the sternum hurt and be tender?
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Related questions

Does tender mean hurt?

no tender means sensitive to touch but in som cases it does.

Can you hurt a girl by pinching her tit?

Yes you can as it is tender and if you pinch hard it will hurt.

Does a Sebaceous cyst hurt?

Yes it can feel quite tender

Can baby teeth hurt sometimes when they get loose?

Yes, baby teeth can hurt, and most of the time will hurt. The reason they hurt is because you are exposing tender gums and you are ripping roots out of the gums.

What is a 6 letter word for easily hurt?

The word is offend or insult. Both words mean to hurt someone's feelings.

Is it normal for breasts to hurt?

Yes, it is completely normal for you boobs to be extremely tender and hurt. I have had three girls, and my boobs were extremely tender every time I was pregnant. It tends to be more in the beginning and the end of the pregnancy, not so much in the middle for me.

Is the sternum medial to the heart?

The gallbladder is lateral to the sternum. The sternum is a midline structure.

Are there different types of Sonnet?

My Girlfriend and My Friend Said No They Might Be Tender But They Shouldn't Hurt.

What connects ribs to sternum?

The ribs are connected to the sternum through the costochondral junctions, fibrous connections between the cartilagenous tails of the ribs and the bone of the sternum.

The nipple is what to the sternum?

The nipple is lateral to the sternum.

What do tender mean?

You may be pregnant, your boobs may be growing.. My breasts hurt after sex sometimes

What means tender?

You may be pregnant, your boobs may be growing.. My breasts hurt after sex sometimes