There can be several reasons. See your doctor. If the swelling is due to an infection, the doctor will prescribe medication. If it is due to cancer, the earliest it is diagnosed, the better the chance of recovery.
No. there is no connection at all. A man with one testicle may be straight or gay.
they are about the size of a car! lol not true
Don't worry,naturally the right testicle is lower than the left one.No big deal.
Most men have 2 testes, but some have less.
Yes testicle pain a common problem experienced by men of all ages. Occasional pain for short periods of time is not uncommon. Any more than that, and you should go see a doctor.
Because we were all made from gorrillas because we are friends with santa
drinking vodka and big bottles of wine and beer
Almost all men have testicles of different sizes; this is completely normal. However, if one testicle is strikingly larger than the other, or if you notice any kind of change in size in either testicle, see a doctor ASAP.
Gallstone formation is seen in twice as many women as men
It is quite normal to have one larger testicle. It is estimated that in about 65% of men the lower hanging testicle is the left one. This is due to differences in the vascular anatomical structure on the right and left sides.
Usually hard impacts to the testicles will make them swell up. Continued hard strikes can make testicles rupture (often referred to as popping). When the testicle ruptures the side of the testicle will tear and the insides of the testicle a white jell like substance will come out. If the testicle is then flattened all of the internal content will come out and the testicle will have to be removed. If it is not flattened surgery can sometimes save the testicle through stitching up the tear.Boys / men will likely throw up or pass out when such injuries occur as the pain is so intense.
Is having just one testicle normal, no. Normal is men have two testicles, but it does happen. Sometimes due to an accident or illness, sometimes a boy is born with only one developed testicle and as long as it is healthy, your sex life and fertility will not be effected. Make sure you see a doctor to ensure you don't have an undescended testicle or a hernia. If the second testicle is trapped in your abdomen, it can be strangled and the one testicle you can see could end up slipping through the hernia too.