

Best Answer

Loss of the toothes Enamel.

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Q: What makes teeth turn clear?
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What type of soda makes your teeth turn brown the fastest?

coke and pepsi

Why must saw teeth be set?

The set on the teeth makes the kerf (width of the cut) slightly wider then the blade so the saw can clear the dust from the cut and the blade won't bind up.

Does smoking cause teeth decay?

Yes it does i had a smoking assembly at school once and they said it makes your teeth turn yellow and then later go black i seen on the smoking box to

What happened to faith hills teeth?

Faith Hill is wearing clear braces in an effort to straighten her teeth.

Synonym for makes clear?

A synonym for "makes clear" is clarify.

What is the pH if solution makes phenolphthalein stay clear?

your unknown solution made methyl red turn yellow. it also made phenolphthalein stay clear. what rang of pH does your unknown solution have?

You love your teeth because?

Teeth makes our smile beautiful

What it makes clear to Aunt Georgina?

the passage makes it clear that aunt georgiana

Why does coke turn teeth brown?

coca cola can take the tar off asphalt so it can also take the enamel off your teeth but are you sure it's coke? flourosis can cause your teeth to turn brown it is caused by to much flouride ie: treated water, toothpaste, dental treatments. to much flouride can cause your teeth to rotAnswerThe caramel color that's added to soda to give it a brown color, also makes your teeth brown.

What are some teeth expressions?

you have to be more clear with your question

Are clear led turn signals legal in Ca?

YES Turn lamps showing to the rear can be RED / AMBER / CLEAR Turn lamps showing to the front can be AMBER / CLEAR

What makes your teeth chew?

The muscles in your jaw move your teeth, creating "chewing", and there is something called "enamel" which makes your teeth so hard so they can chew.