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One of the ways to do this simply is:

1. Get water and boil it

2. Meanwhile add honey to the bottom of the cup

3. When your water is boiled add whole clovers (3-7)

4. Then add a teaspoon of cinnamon

5. Stir

6. Pour into the cup (but take out the clovers)

7. Drink! Make sure you sip it carefully because it is HOT!

Hope you get better soon!

This worked for me so it should work for you. Have at least 2 or 3 cups of this 'tea' a day.

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10y ago
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15y ago

Yes sore throat will go away but to how long is unknow my suggestion is that tons of bed rest will help and try to find something that is tasty but will causeless engeries to the throat maybe some water with that Splenda sweet orange and grape and all that flavoring and maybe something like a nice warm soup thanks peace

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11y ago

you cant really make a sore throat go away, or stay away. Although you can treat to make it feel better or as if its not there anymore. Some treatment aside from meds can be tea, honey water (hot), or lemon water (hot). These cause relief for the sore throat.

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11y ago

There are many suggestions, some of which may be valid, others not. There was a suggestion that a teaspoon of peanut butter would coat your throat for 20 minutes or so, during which time your throat would be soothed, though I'm not entirely sure about the effectiveness of this (perhaps if non of the following methods work, try this, but only if you like peanut butter and are not allergic to it).

Another suggestion is anything to do with lemon and honey. Now, I cannot fully verify how effective this is, however I may suggest why it may work. Lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C, which is needed to hold tissues together, and this will help the sore throat to recover. The honey, apart from having a rather therapeutic flavour when used in combination with bitter lemon, has antiseptic properties which will help to clear up the pathogen causing the problem.

There is an obvious solution; throat lozenges. Some are actually lemon and honey, others just have the properties of lemon and honey but have added flavours. I can't say that throat lozenges work for everyone, though they are apparently effective (I can't say that I've had much success with them).

My number one tip is to keep your throat warm. If the nights are cold, make sure that your throat is fully covered as you go to sleep. During the day, wear a scarf, even indoors, and even when you're hot. The best way to get rid of a cold is to sweat it out; keep warm all the time and if you're sweating, it's your body's natural reaction to the problem, so try to help it by keeping warm.

If all that fails; peanut butter! You never know, it may work. I've never tried it myself (I hate peanuts), but if it's worked for others, it may work for you.

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12y ago

Strep is a bacterial infection. Normally a ten day course of penicillin is prescribed to avert the complication of rheumatic fever. Gargling with apple cider vinegar had been shown to alleviate the symptoms combined with antibiotic therapy.

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14y ago

try lemon and honey.... apple cidar vinegar with a teaspoon of manuka honey

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13y ago

Wash your hands, gargle, eat lots of vitamins, drink lots of water, make sure when you sneeze to wash your hands or go outside, and get lots of sleep! :)

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What can all help a sore throat?

If you want a sore throat to go away, drink a bottle of really cold water. You can also eat ice cream. Vanilla works best and just have it plain. You can eat a Popsicle if you have no ice cream. Hope it works.

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Yes it does on its own. It could go away in 2 weeks or in 2 months. Once your sore throat symptoms leave get a blood test to check for it again.